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RUCK-UP INC - PTSD Walk Out Of The Darkness

We are walking in memory of family and friends who have been affected by suicide. Each Team Member is required to fundraise to participate in The Overnight—we want to ensure everyone reaches their goal!


1. Go to our TEAM PAGE (click to open)

2. Choose a Team Member who has not reached $1,000 by clicking ROSTER on the Team page and then clicking on their name.

3. Once on their fundraising page, click the DONATE button.


Your donations will help support our team in the fight against suicide. You can only donate to an individual on the Team, but every donation to one of our Team Members counts toward our team’s overall fundraising goal. All donations are tax-deductible.

If you'd like to join our Team, please contact us at RUCK-UP (603)-903-1255.





RUCK-UP is proud to be a partner with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). Our Team, comprised chiefly of disabled Veterans, has raised over $965,000 in the last 14 years, which has helped the AFSP reach its goals. The Boston Walk Out of the Darkness on June 22nd is an opportunity for us to come together and create a brighter future.

Our Team members are Veterans, families of Veterans, and children impacted by suicide and the loss of our Veterans. Losing even one life to suicide is too many.

Our Team is spread throughout the US and is as diverse as the Veterans we serve. The proceeds from the walk will help those affected by suicide and mental health conditions through supporting research, advocacy, survivor resources, education, and awareness programs.

Join our cause and support the mission - To Save Lives and Bring Hope to Those Affected by Suicide.


To fully achieve its mission, AFSP engages in the following Five Core Strategies:

  • Fund scientific research

  • Offer educational programs for professionals

  • Educate the public about mood disorders and suicide prevention

  • Promote policies and legislation that impact suicide and prevention

  • Provide programs and resources for survivors of suicide loss and people at risk, and involve them in the work of the Foundation.


Thanks to donors like you, AFSP has been able to set a goal of reducing the annual suicide rate by 20% by 2025. See how your donations will make that goal a reality.

Being a part of our Team means being a part of something bigger than ourselves.




The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a non-profit organization that aims to raise awareness about suicide and its prevention. They fund scientific research, provide resources, and offer aid to those affected by suicide.

Unfortunately, many people who are at risk for suicide do not seek help, especially Veterans. We need to find better ways to reach out to those who are suffering and encourage schools, workplaces, and communities to prioritize mental health.

As a Veterans organization, we understand the impact of suicide all too well. The struggle with suicide among veterans is very real, and most of us have either faced suicide ourselves or know someone who has.

Over 20% (1 out of 5) of the annual suicide deaths in the United States are veterans who have survived the worst that the military could throw at them. According to the VA, 22 veterans take their own lives each day. That's over 8.020 veterans lost to suicide in just one year.


This is a shocking and terrifying number, and many experts believe that the actual number of veteran suicides is even higher than what has been reported by the VA because their count excludes losses from active services and veterans lost to substance abuse.

It's clear that we are losing the war at home, which is why initiatives like these walks are so important. We need to raise awareness and get people the help they need.

RUCK-UP has been a proud partner of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) for over 13 years now. Every year, we field a team of veterans (most of whom are disabled) but recognize the need and importance of their support) to participate in the East Coast Overnight "Out of the Darkness" Walk, a 16-18-mile walk.

RUCK-UP has been the most involved and outspoken group in the fight against suicide. We started this walk in 2010 with just 4 of us, and our largest team has been 46 - which made RUCK-UP the single largest team!


We also sponsor a Veterans Day Community Walk to honor all veterans lost to suicide and participate in community walks throughout NH and MA all year round. To date, we have raised over $965,000 in support of this cause.


We are thankful for every supporter who walked, aided our team, or contributed to the cause. Collectively, we declare, "NOT TODAY."

Please continue to support and fight for our brothers and sisters facing daily struggles. Please reach out to a friend, check in on them, and help them stay strong. 


If you're interested in joining Ruck-Up for the next AFSP Walk Out of Darkness with AFSP, please contact us. Every walker is expected to fundraise, but Ruck-Up helps their veterans with transportation and other necessities for a successful walk.

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